Animal Communication Information

How I work and What to Expect

All the work I do is shamanic which means - Spirit led.

I create sacred space with sage and intention, then call in spirits of the four directions and my guides.  I then connect with the animal telepathically and in spirit. The communication is done remotely. The person and their pet are not present, nor do they need to be doing anything special. As one dog proudly told me, “I can sleep and talk to you at the same time!”

When the communication is complete, I write all that has happened and make a personal video to be delivered via a private google drive link where the client can view and/or download it. I also include a short Oracle reading to complement the communication.

What I Need From You

I ask you to send me some basic information.

A picture where I can see the animal’s face, their name, breed, age and sex.

Then I need to know what you would like to know. In telepathic communication, the more information, the better. I need to know what questions will actually get the animal talking about what is really happening. This isn’t quite like psychic work, although my guides are also involved so there is some of that, but I will be talking to an animal who has thoughts and free will. Pointed questions around specific situations will get clearer answers.

Finally, be aware that your pet’s health, emotional and spiritual well-being might well be linked in to your own. You and your pet have a soul contract and that is why you are together. Be prepared for a deeper communication message if your guides feel there is something you need to know or learn. I only work with guides of Love and Light and so when those messages come through, they are loving and supportive.

What Animals Can (and can’t) tell us


Often, we wish to connect with our pets to understand a health issue, is he/she feeling poorly and where. Or sometimes we wish to understand why they are doing something dangerous or displaying a strange behavior. In my experience, animals will tell us how they feel, what they like or don’t like and why they are with us but I don’t expect an animal who shows me a pain in the belly, to know the cause. It would be your job to explore that with your veterinarian. My medical intuitive abilities are quite good and I often will have an idea of what is going on, but I am no substitute for a veterinarian and will be the first person to advise you to consult with one if I feel it is needed.

Free Will

I need to address this before you book a session with me. Once we understand the point of view of your pet, it is not always an easy fix. Sure, we can tell your puppy that peeing on the doormat is not the same as going outside to pee, and would she please ring the bell on the door to be let out. And we might think that then your puppy would ring the bell. But your pup may not care if she pees inside or outside! What I would do in this situation is explain the reason for the needed change in behavior, the reward that would be given and the consequences that might result if she chooses to not listen. I would also offer you tools to help you communicate with your pup as you work through her learning process.

It is my job to help your animal understand the risks of not choosing as we wish and the rewards of doing as we ask…and to BE POSITIVE.  At the very least, in the situation of your peeing puppy, a connection and understanding will be gained between you both. The puppy might have learned that the bell is supposed to be rung and you might learn that she is a bit too young to have made that connection herself and has established her own habit which now needs to be changed by YOU doing something different.

The best way to approach an communication with any animal is with an open mind and open heart.