Happy November, Friends!
Well, the weather is changing, changing back and then changing again here in the northeastern U.S. One day it’s 70 degrees and the next, 45. It’s strange but here in New England, we have a saying that “if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute.” 🤪
I know that the weather isn’t the only thing changing in many of our lives right now. Another thing that is affecting me, and probably you also, are rising fuel costs. Energy is becoming expensive and so I am conserving in any way I can.
Something I’ve done in response to that is to take another job as a server in a local tavern. Me…A 56-year-old introvert with a background in Biotech and a wicked awesome (New England slang) animal communication business, waiting tables! I haven’t done this since 1989…what the heck?! I waffled on it for a while, knowing that where attention goes, energy flows, but felt guided to try it for a few nights a week, and guess what, I love it.
Why am I telling you this? Because a few nights ago I had an experience that made me realize why I am there - and it’s not about the money.
I spend much of my time with my dogs and do most of my work for people and animals, remotely. It’s easy to manage my energy, respond instead of react and interact with people when I want to. My boundaries are set and I shine my light in a very controlled setting.
But last week, at the tavern, it was very busy. I work with an amazing group of people and we were all running. I had one table with two men just chatting over beers and I stopped to talk with them for a few minutes in the midst of the fray. They asked what I do and I told them that I am a shaman. It just came out. Yes, you and I know it’s true, but you try saying that out loud to two complete strangers and see what happens 🤭.
Well, they both stared at first but continued to ask questions, making a few jokes but also showing real interest. I understood that their jokes meant they were nervous, not understanding but wanting more information. Of course, I was working and so only gave them a little time but when they left, they both shook my hand and said they enjoyed my calm and confident energy.
That stuck with me. They may not have understood what I do but they felt the peace that I call in every day to surround me, and that felt so good. I was making a difference and expanding the consciousness of others by declaring who I am and accepting their responses in a peaceful way with no judgement. Believe me, I thanked my guides for being front and center for that interaction because my thinking mind has the habit of undermining my confidence.
Then last night, I served a woman who I worked with when I was a scientist in biotech. She was surprised to see me and said “this isn’t science.”
I replied, “no, that’s why I’m here.”
It was another “heart in the throat” moment, but as I walked away I thought to myself, I am here because I choose to be. I am here because being around these people make me happy.
My point is that it doesn’t matter what we do in the world or what people think of us, it matters how we show up. And that is affected deeply by our personal spiritual practice. As I write this, I know that this is a message that has been shared for millennia, but here it is again.
I am continuing to expand The Heart Connection (check out my gift box readings below) because I love nothing more than connecting people to their animals and guides. The joy I feel is similar to finishing a sled dog race and getting a face washing from my happy dogs. It’s kind of indescribable. But I will start to expand this work into my surrounding community, connecting with people and animals face to face, and it looks like some of those people I will meet by serving them a meal.
I like that 🥰
And to offer some help with your spiritual practice, I want to talk a little about Oracle cards because they help me so much with mine.
If we look carefully, they are physically only paper with pictures printed on them.
But actually, they are so much more than that. Oracle cards are created with the intention of the artist to channel messages from Spirit and they are so valuable as a way to allow ourselves to hear what our unseen helping spirits want us to know. They help us to hear and often confirm what our intuition is already telling us and the best part is that they are safe, and FUN!
I’ve just discovered this Spirit of the Animals Oracle deck by Jody Bergsma. (this is the oracle deck in the gift box)
I’ve been looking for just the right animal oracle deck to support my readings, and this is it!
It’s not only beautiful, it holds so much wisdom and just for you, I have chosen three cards with the intention that the card you choose will be exactly for you.
So here is what to do…
Take a moment to quiet your mind.
Ask your higher power to help you to pick a card, that will offer guidance that you need right now in your life.
Notice which card attracts your attention, say thank you – and, read on! The cards are revealed at the end.
So as the energy of the cold moves in and the business of persevering through some challenging weather begins, it’s always a little unnerving to leave the comfort of our safe, protected spaces and set out into the world to interact, but when we do, that is when we can really make a difference.
Be brave, ok?
Conserve and replenish your energy when you need to but share it when you can. Trust yourself and your guides. Help and guidance is available and all you need to do – is ask. Just like you did at the beginning of this letter.
I’m right here doing it with you. Thank you for being here with me.🙏
Here is the message Spirit is sharing with you today. I encourage you to think on the message of the card you chose. Be encouraged and know you are supported and deeply loved.
Are you looking for Holiday gift Ideas for your animal loving, spiritually minded loved one?
Give the gift of Connection
From now until December 10th, I am offering animal communication and shamanic message session gift packages.
Every package includes a personalized note crafted by you, prepaid gift certificate for a video reading of your choice that will never expire, and a carefully chosen, beautiful new Spirit of the Animals Oracle Deck – all giftwrapped in a beautiful box and ready to gift.
– This is a gift that will never be forgotten
Shipped to you, or to your loved one, in time for Christmas. Priority mail shipping in the United States, is included in the price