Happy October Everyone! It's absolutely beautiful here in New Hampshire right now. The maples are peaking in color and the air is crisp and clear. This is hands down my favorite time of year. I mean, look at this brilliance!
October in New Hampshire
I knew I was waiting to write this month’s newsletter for a reason and yesterday it became very clear why.
For the last month, I’ve been teaching a shamanic animal communication workshop and have shared time with some very beautiful people. The experience has been nothing less than amazingly inspiring. Everyone was successful in not only connecting to their own pets who are here, but to animals in spirit, personal guides and even the consciousness of a species. The group dynamic was the perfect way to receive confirmation for what they were able to pick up on and build trust in their new way of seeing.
But in addition to teaching, I have also learned.
In the last session, we explored connecting with animals in spirit. As I prepared for us to communicate both telepathically and in a shamanic journey, with a dog that passed away 35 years ago, I wondered how to answer the question:
How we can connect with an animal that passed on so long ago?
I had suspicions, I had heard other’s talk about it, read what others believe…but I realized that what I really know about these things has been taught to me by the animals themselves and my guides. And so, I did exactly what I am teaching others to do.I skipped the google search and journeyed to find a teacher who would give us the understanding we need and here is what I learned.
The Expansion of a Soul’s Consciousness over Time
I was shown a whirlpool shape that was called a Vortex. It represented the consciousness of a soul over time.
Our souls grow from the narrow part of the swirling cone, each point representing a specific time.
As time passes, the “knowing” of the soul expands with memories, experiences and wisdom from lessons learned and when a soul steps out of a body, it does not leave the memories of it behind, but instead, they become a part of the whole even though the next body may not easily remember where the soul has learned.
This is why we can go back to a point in time and contact the soul of an animal or person as we did this week.
We spoke with Taffy, who is here in this fuzzy photo from 1979. Her soul remembered that experience and spoke from the place of who she was in that life
So YES! We can contact that soul in many places along the vortex but then, a teaching was also given to me about this practice.
We are encouraged to look back in time, to animals (or ancestors) in spirit for healing and to the present for enlightenment and understanding. This is healthy and sometimes needed as we try to process all that has and is happening in our lives. This practice expands our perception and understanding of reality.
However, it is best not to look forward. This is because the future depends on what choices are made by each being…there are many possibilities and free will is an important part of our learning. Looking forward breeds fear and no fear is necessary.
Live in the now as much as possible and be comforted by the fact that a soul’s existence does not end.
This is a simple way to understand a more complex reality but it is all we need to know in answer to the question.
It is a perfect example of what happens when we set an intention to ask a very specific question which results in the question being answered in exactly the right way for us right now.
I think my students will agree that the take-a-way from this month is that so much more is possible and real than that which we can see.
We hear all the time that we can change our realities.
That feels so confusing, even to me, and so I suggest that by learning to "see" reality in new ways... with meditation, telepathy or shamanic journeying...it’s not that you are changing reality per say, but that you are “seeing” more of what is really there and THAT then opens your mind to opportunities and understanding that you were not able to acknowledge before.
Once again, animals are teaching us all every day. By learning to communicate with them, we are ultimately learning about ourselves. Something I am grateful for on a daily basis.
I wish you all a beautiful fall and hope you will consider joining me in my next round of workshops which will be held Tuesday evenings and Sunday mornings, starting on November 1st.
Thank you all for being a part of my world💖
““Thank you so much for this lovely chance to learn more about animal communication, shamanic journeying and ultimately ourselves. I have done quite a few courses over the years and truly this has been the most profound.
I really feel like this has given me a chance to really appreciate and trust my ability to listen.
Thanks again for everything. I loved it!!””